Sunday, August 5, 2007

Welcome to The DSW Connection

Technology is moving at an incredible pace. For this reason, Data Systems Worldwide, Inc. (DSW, is now launching our Connection news blog. The goal of this communication is to keep our clients and customers up to speed as to the trends, news and events in the industry.

DSW was founded in 1971 by Frank Mogavero, the same year that Intel’s programmable microprocessor was introduced by Ted Hoff, and more than 20 years before Berners-Lee launched the Web. My career at DSW began in 1979 the same year that Commodore introduce the 8032 (80 columns, 32k RAM) business microcomputer. I quickly learned that the ability to quickly change documents with the Wordpro word-processor and produce numerous calculations with the Visicalc spreadsheet would change the way that business was facilitated.

Today, DSW is focused on delivering Intelligent IT solutions – those which are open, accessible, synergistic, reliable, scalable, manageable, and innovative in providing organization and value to the business. DSW is excited to be on the leading edge of converged solutions and believes that our clients that leverage these solutions will receive exceptional return on investment and business value, when combined with DSW’s specialized experts and vendor partners in each of our practice areas; Intelligent Networks, Intelligent Security, Intelligent Datacenters, Intelligent Facilities and Intelligent Applications.

In each of these practice areas, we provide exceptional engineering talent and complementary solutions whether you desire to keep all technology internal or out-task in some manner to DSW. It is our goal to provide our customers with greater value by leveraging our team than could be done purely with internal resources.

DSW is also excited to announce the addition of Ryan Peterson and his team to DSW. Mr. Peterson will focus on delivering exceptional network solutions which leverage previous proprietary solutions such as voice, video surveillance and building automation across a single Ethernet network which maintains high quality of service, robust security and exceptional uptime, whether wired or wireless.

DSW believes that the network is the basis for the fourth-utility, as critical to buildings as electric, gas and water. With the network, information can be presented quickly and with greater value than proprietary systems. For example, with digital IP video surveillance running across an Ethernet network and connected to a database, law enforcement can recognize license plates “real-time” and make decisions as to the need to apply the appropriate measures to stop potential threats. In addition, energy can be controlled much more efficiently, allocating the appropriate amount of cooling to meet specific building environmental needs. With unified communications, hotel guests can use touch screen phone terminals to select service needs instantly while the hotel can gain information to better support its guests.

The future is becoming the present. DSW will leverage our expertise to lead the information technology industry and hope that you will continue to support us as clients who will assist us with input as to the most appropriate direction for us to head to meet your changing needs.

Thank you for the opportunity to work with you and to address you today and tomorrow.


Phil Mogavero
President & CEO
Data Systems Worldwide